Without commas...

It all started when she tried to be perfect for everyone...
Her parents boyfriend and friends...
That’s when the though got bigger and her inmaturity came to think more about life...
That life was not good...
That life is just not good if you don’t got love...
If you’re not love by what you are? That’s what it killed her the most the fact that she wasn’t her anymore that she change for everyone just so they could be happy to think that she was "miss perfect" but even though she show that...
The fact in her mind was killing her the fact that she wanted to be her but couldn’t anymore...
Cutting was her all-purpose solution her scars ought to be a charm bracelet of memories...
Each a permanent reminder of her being someone else not her "the little miss precfect" everyone wanted her to be but that day she couldn’t she just couldn’t take it no more that day she had enough she couldn’t be who she was then she tough to her self this is not my birthday is their birthday they are celebrating their person not me they are celebrating "miss perfect" not me...
And then she look at her arm and then her just sitting there with a razor on the other hand and the come to rememnber everytime she cut her self and all those sad feelings came again it make her feel worse it make her think that life had no more meaning than the razor she had in her hand the only way to scape her punishment that other people call live...
Escape from love hate every feeling she had in that moment...
As all going into that razor cold blade so sharp that it seems that not even light can escape its cut the tears rushed down her eyes she could barely see what was happening watching at those candles that looked like big fireballs and then she though this is my last birthday...
My last day in this earth of being "miss perfect"...
Her life was full of holes in wich she always try to avoid or pretend to be their girl the one who they wanted them to be "miss perfect" but she couldn’t so she ran to her room and took that sharp blade had those thoughs about life is not so good if you’re not love by who you’re so she took off her mask and left the razor there she gave herself another chance and left her room and went dowstairs and look at the people that she loves so much that made her changed for them now she was just gonna show her truly self ...
Her parents boyfriend and friends...
That’s when the though got bigger and her inmaturity came to think more about life...
That life was not good...
That life is just not good if you don’t got love...
If you’re not love by what you are? That’s what it killed her the most the fact that she wasn’t her anymore that she change for everyone just so they could be happy to think that she was "miss perfect" but even though she show that...
The fact in her mind was killing her the fact that she wanted to be her but couldn’t anymore...
Cutting was her all-purpose solution her scars ought to be a charm bracelet of memories...
Each a permanent reminder of her being someone else not her "the little miss precfect" everyone wanted her to be but that day she couldn’t she just couldn’t take it no more that day she had enough she couldn’t be who she was then she tough to her self this is not my birthday is their birthday they are celebrating their person not me they are celebrating "miss perfect" not me...
And then she look at her arm and then her just sitting there with a razor on the other hand and the come to rememnber everytime she cut her self and all those sad feelings came again it make her feel worse it make her think that life had no more meaning than the razor she had in her hand the only way to scape her punishment that other people call live...
Escape from love hate every feeling she had in that moment...
As all going into that razor cold blade so sharp that it seems that not even light can escape its cut the tears rushed down her eyes she could barely see what was happening watching at those candles that looked like big fireballs and then she though this is my last birthday...
My last day in this earth of being "miss perfect"...
Her life was full of holes in wich she always try to avoid or pretend to be their girl the one who they wanted them to be "miss perfect" but she couldn’t so she ran to her room and took that sharp blade had those thoughs about life is not so good if you’re not love by who you’re so she took off her mask and left the razor there she gave herself another chance and left her room and went dowstairs and look at the people that she loves so much that made her changed for them now she was just gonna show her truly self ...
Dark Child
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